HPNJ Driving Derby

  • Sunday, April 16, 2023
  • 9:00 AM


Registration is closed

Drive Times 

Course Map



Training (Walk/Trot Only)

Open (Walk/Trot/Canter)

Classes: Horse, Pony, VSE

Entry Fee: $50 

Negative Coggins, Flu/Rhino within 6 months is required 

Online pre registration is available. 

Check/Venmo is accepted the day of the event 

Helmets and Vests required.  Jog carts allowed. 

Awards: Ribbons 1st- 6th place for each class

Entry Form

Schedule of the day: 

Drivers will be assigned drive times.  If you pre-register, you will have your drive time in advance.  Each driver will have two chances to go.  The course will consist of a cones course and two obstacles. The fastest time of your two go's will count towards final placings!