Fee: $60 (Sign up that day only) Open 2:00-7:00 (must be signed in by 7:00)
Wear USEA approved vest, approved headgear, have ground person or instructor. Bring coggins!
Organized by Jersey Fresh International 3 Day Committee
Jane Cory: 215-262-2870 jane@pleasanthollow.com if any questions
Levels offered: some starter, Beginner Novice thru Prelim
See www.horseparkofnewjersey.com for directions.
If you have Volunteer Perks from either HPNJ Horse Trials, come out and use them! For more information on Perks, contact Jane Cory.
Marilyn Payne Cross Country Clinic
Monday, August 14 11:00 - 2:00
Limited space. Fee $100. Payable to Jersey Fresh International.
Jane Cory: 215-262-2870 / jane@pleasanthollow.com
Save the date! LUCINDA GREEN Oct 12/13, 2017